Technical Installation and Simple Solutions

Tips for Storage, Containers and Maintenance.

Storage containers must be corrosion resistant. In terms of the dimensioning of containers, consider the liquid fertilisers' density of 1.28g/cm3. For our PIASAN® ALZON® liquid products, containers made from stainless steel, aluminium, plastic, reinforced concrete or carbon steel should be used. Each tank must be fitted with a clearly visible local level measurement device, a design-approved overflow protection system and, if required, collision guards. A volume limit exists for plastic tanks, which are generally intended for smaller facilities. The interior of reinforced concrete containers must be lined with foil or rubber, which must be indicated with a test certificate containing a test mark showing that the material is UAN compliant. Carbon steel containers should also include an inner lining or an appropriate protective coating. Otherwise, damage can occur to inhibitors while the container is in use through sedimentation and deposition of undissolved impurities, especially in surrounding soil and at welded seams. Therefore, at least the ground and the lower parts of the side walls should be coated with Teerepoxy resin. For this solution, we recommend having the tank inspected at least biennially. SKWP liquid fertilisers contain a corrosion inhibitor to protect carbon steel containers. This is not always the case with UAN; however, UAN not containing this inhibitor can cause severe damage to your facility. UAN containing different inhibitors should never be mixed since this can entirely eliminate their effectiveness. Used tanks and facilities should be inspected with special caution, ensuring that they fully met all criteria, especially the design requirements. When in doubt, obtain advice from a qualified company or contact us, we would be happy to assist you.


Storage and Maintenance of PIASAN® 28. Example 1 with Single-Walled Containers.

1   storage container with visible floor 
2   retaining container with sumpt pits
3   overfill protection with acoustic alarm
4   tank lorry
5   pump with mechanical seal
5a Kamlok hose couplings
6   filling pipes (lorries)
7   filling pipes (containers)
8   unloading
9   nameplate holder
10 level measurement
11 strip foundation
12 visible floor area


Storage and Distribution of PIASAN® 28. Example 2 with Double-Walled Containers.

1   strage container (tight, stable, impermeable)
2   retaining container with sumpt pits
3   overfill protection with acoustic alarm
4   tank lorry
5   pump with mechanical seal
5a Kamlok hose couplings
6   filling pipes (lorries)
7   filling pipes (containers)
8   ventilation
9   nameplate holder
10  level measurement
11  leakage warning system
12  internal lining of the double wall (e. g.foil)

Recommendations for Pumps, Valves and Pipelines.

Use stainless steel or plastic pumps with mechanical seals or magnetic clutches. Chemical centrifugal pumps with stuffing box packing should be avoided considering the material properties of liquid fertilisers. Valves and pipelines should also be made from plastic or stainless steel. With carbon steel, it must be assured that solid residue does not prevent passivation of the metal surface. Carbon steel pipelines must remain filled when in stationary condition with an inhibited UAN such as PIASAN® liquid or ALZON® liquid solution. Empty pipelines should never be cleaned with water. We recommend inspecting the thickness of carbon steel pipeline walls biennially.